Enhance and highlight the points of excellence of


L’ Anima dell’Eccellenza, with its intervention, is committed to making their value concrete and communicable

and make it become a point of reference on the market

The services are aimed at every commercial activity, whether it is a structured company or a small business

  • Companies
  • Professionals
  • Institutions
  • Trade associations, organizations and professional bodies
  • Tourist locations and territories
  • Artists
  • Craftsmanship
  • Works of ingenuity and creativity
  • Food and wine products
  • Moda
  • Medical centers and hospitals
  • Sport centers
  • Theatres, concert halls and cultural centres
  • Education and training institutes
  • Fairs and conferences
  • Events

L’Anima dell’Eccellenza is a project aimed not only at all the entities that already possess points of excellence but also at those that have a hidden one or at those that have the potential to develop excellence but have not yet managed to find it , enhance it and highlight it.

Creator, founder and director is the television journalist Anna Maria Girelli Consolaro.

The completely innovative project aims to spread the culture of excellence through consultancy, product creation and provision of services that aim for the highest quality.

The factor that makes it unique in its kind is the ability not only to tell, but also to enhance and highlight all those elements, those dynamics and those characteristics that make these realities points of reference in their sector, allowing the best and most effective valorisation, promotion and possible diffusion of these excellences.

L’Anima dell’Eccellenza then presents itself to the relevant public to explain and argue where the company’s excellence came from and what was its path that consecrated its authenticity.

The rigorous method, based on the trinomial quality, value and passion, was invented and developed by Anna Maria Girelli Consolaro over many years of study on Italian excellence accompanied by over twenty years of journalistic experience (for Corriere della Sera and on Mediaset networks).

Study and career that have brought to light the “matrix” of Italian excellence, that is, that set of personal and social characteristics, dynamics,
modus operandi, historical and geographical elements which, over the centuries until today, are common to Italian companies of excellence and make them a reference model for the entire world.
The methodology developed allows us to examine in detail the cornerstones that underlie Italian excellence.

It thus explains how excellence is created, maintained and developed. Create a repeatable model and structure of excellence.

L’Anima dell’Eccellenza makes the value of a successful business, of a craftsman appreciated everywhere, of a leading company in its sector, of a location considered an unmissable destination for international tourism concrete, “visible”, quantifiable and communicable , of a unique food and wine product, of an exclusive artistic creation, of a doctor, a scientist, a sportsman, an artist or a professional considered people of great esteem and value.

It thus allows for the best and most effective valorisation, promotion and dissemination of Italian excellence possible (from TV to the web, to radio to social media and events).

The project was sealed by the publication, in June 2023, of the book “L’Anima dell’Eccellenza”: written by Anna Maria Girelli Consolaro, the volume presents the method created by her to explain Italian excellence.

Born from the dual love for excellence and clarity, in a compelling and fascinating journey the book takes the reader directly into the heart of the prominent realities and into the mechanisms that generate excellence.

Su richiesta dei clienti e dei committenti, L’Anima dell’Eccellenza si occupa della promozione e diffusione mediatica di questi lavori (video, format televisivi, format per il web, articoli e interviste) attraverso:

messa in onda sulla piattaforma web Canale Europa (5 milioni di accessi al mese, oltre 50 canali collegati)
messa in onda sul canale digitale terrestre 416
messa in onda sul canale Amazon Fire Tv
messa in onda su Spotify audio e video
messa in onda su Samsung Tv Plus
• pubblicazione sui portali web delle eccellenze
• pubblicazione su vari portali web italiani (sia generalisti che tematici)
• condivisione su piattaforme social (YouTube, Instagram, Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok, etc)

Tutti lavori realizzati da L’Anima dell’Eccellenza vengono messi a disposizione delle realtà d’eccellenza protagoniste degli stessi e dei committenti del lavoro: realtà e committenti che li utilizzano come video aziendali, li inseriscono nei propri portali web, li veicolano all’interno dei propri social network e li utilizzano per la propria comunicazione.

I lavori realizzati da L’Anima dell’Eccellenza (video, interviste, format televisivi e web, articoli, notizie e approfondimenti) vengono pubblicati online su Lombardia d’Eccellenza, la nuova piattaforma digitale dedicata alle eccellenze lombarde e ai loro grandi protagonisti.

Eccellenze nazionali

Eccellenze regionali

Eccellenze locali


With the term “excellence” we mean the achievement, in relation to the context (local, national, international), of a high quality standard combined with the value and passion with which things are done.

A reality of excellence represents a model within its field.

The matrix of excellence is highlighted through these 3 parameters:
1. Psychological and behavioral characteristics
2. Modus operandi (or way of doing things)
3. Interaction with the historical, geographical and cultural context

The realities of excellence (individual people, teams or larger groups of people), in the most diverse sectors, are united by similar psychological and behavioral characteristics, relating to the modus operandi and the way of interacting with the context.

A distinctive feature of Italian excellence is the passion for beauty in all its forms.